The Mystical Fairy Garden

When the night is young, bright lights appear in gardens and dance among the flowers. These lights are known in legends as fairies.
According to legends, fairies possess the power to bring health, happiness and spiritual blessings and make your garden grow! Fairies will dance among the flowers and protect your garden while you sleep.
However, fairies don’t like to be seen by humans. Keep your garden fairies safe by giving them a home. For this act of kindness, they will reward you by mystically protecting your garden! To create a fairy garden, here’s some tips to get you started:
Fairy Garden Tips
There are many different choices to start your fairy garden. A simple idea is to use a flower pot or a deep saucer, but you can also create a fairy garden in a birdbath, decorate a tree stump or plant it among the flowers of your garden.
Before your start selecting the items for your garden, think about where you want to put it. Inside or outside? Is there a lot of sun or mostly shade?
Once you’ve selected the location, choose your plants based on the location. Use low groundcovers, miniature trees or shrubs and miniature flowering annuals. Add herbs to make your fairy garden fragrant and useful in the kitchen.
Be Creative
The most important rule of fairy gardening is to use your imagination! Use your creativity as a gardener on a smaller scale to make your fairies happy!
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