“One of the many Marx toys, have you all of them?”

Jumpin Jeep 22C Wind-Up Tin Toy @ Time’s Tin Cup !
“One of the many Marx toys, have you all of them?” was the slogan for Louis Marx and Company. They were an American toy manufacturer from 1919 to 1980. Their notable lines were tin toys, toy soldiers, guns, action figures, dolls cars, trains, and tinplated buildings.
Louis Marx and Company Logo
Some of these beloved toys have been permanently ensconced to the National Museum of Play .
Louis Marx and Company was founded in New York City. He sold his company to Quaker Oats Company in 1972. Quaker Oats sold the Marx company to Dunbee-Combex and the Marx brand then disappeared, all assets were liquidated.
This tin windup Jumpin Jeep toy by Louis Marx and Company was produced during the #WW2 era. These soldiers in their Jumpin Jeep with Jumpin Jeep Action work with a dedicated key that winds them into motion.
Jumpin Jeep 22C Wind-Up Tin Toy @ Time’s Tin Cup !
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